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Create a balance between Employers and Employees Expectations

In a perfect world, everything will work as planned, smooth and expected, Employee's make more money and Employers willing to give all the Freebies in the world to their employees.however let's come back to the Reality where the situation and trends are quite the opposite. Companies are holding on to their internal budgets and criterion's and candidates in the Job market keep exploring opportunities due to which, there is never an ending cycle of Organization and candidates looking at each other time & again so how to pause this never ending cycle
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How to effectively create a balance before either onboarding or disengaging with the Candidate.

1. Candidate Expectations - The First & Foremost critieria is to ensure that the candidate understand the Job Description and Salary Package offered for the position. There could be instances where the candidate tries to ask for more depending on the criticality of the position or the market conditions. Make it clear about what is the maximum offered and if the candidate is interested & would like to pursue further, HR can proceed to the next level otherwise focus on other candidates
2. Candidate's Interest - If the candidate is interested and follow-ups regularly, It demonstrates the Candidate is willing to pursue the Job opportunity to the next level. Scheduling interviews and the candidate participation indicates that the candidate is willing to focus on the Job Opportunity rather the financial gains however if the candidate is making excuses to attend the interviews, it is better to move on with other candidates
3. Candidate Engagement - If the position is critical for the organization or the project, Involve your senior member or invite the candidate for a casual talk over coffee & snacks to showcase the Organization culture and the opportunity to work with technologies, projects etc., as sometimes, such initiatives can change candidate's perception about the job and realize the value and merit working for your organization in the long run along with career growth and job satisfactiono
4. Budget Flexibility - If the candidate is expecting certain amount or adamant on certain financial gain and the organization has the budget to handle it considering the position criticality and the candidate fitment, then it's better to re-consider instead of letting it go and re-starting the hiring cycle
5. Creating a Win-Win Situation - Employer and the candidate should be willing to negotiate to ensure that both has a win-win situation. As Organization also has to manage their budgets so expecting unrealistic hike is not sustainable in the long run rather focussing on career growth, projects and technology will lead to steady income in the long term otherwise once the job market goes through a turmoil, Many Employers will never seek expensive candidates as it is a Complete NO-NO for them

6. Final Step - Despite all the above efforts, if the candidate is not willing to negotiate or budge and have no interest to look at the other aspects of the job opportunity, it is better to focus on other candidates instead of wasting time & effort as there is no Guarantee, the candidate will join during the on-boarding time