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How to ensure that the candidate being offered / hired joins your organization? Continue Reading

The time & effort spent on reviewing, shortlisting and multiple interviews etc, & finally rolling out the offer to the candidate after the long tiring hiring process . The good news is the right candidate has been identified and offered, The NOT SO Good NEWS, The Organization Still have to wait till the candidate shows up on the first day of the supposed joining date & what happens, if he / she doesn't join or become incommunicado so does that give you goose bumps and this happens multiple times for Recruiters, even to the most experienced ones.
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How can we identify such red flags or perhaps avoid it. Here are some do's & dont's to spot such candidates & neccessary action can be taken accordingy

How to Spot Candidate's behaviour once the offer is rolled-out
1. Notice Period - If the candidate Notice period is between 15-days to 1-month, then the chances of candidate joining probability is high. Anything more 1-month is always a risk and might not be a good idea as it will provide the candidate enough time to keep visiting Job Portals and apply for new opportunities therefore waiting for such candidates can always put the recruiter or the hiring company at an disadvantage because after all the effort & wait, if the candidate doesn't join, then waste of time, effort and money and the same cycle needs to be re-started unless additional candidates have been identified as backups
2. Offer Roll-out - Once the offer is rolled-out, Ask for Candidate's resignation copy to ensure that he / she is willing to leave the current organization. Provide them with a time-frame to ensure that they have shared the resignation copy. Also, Check their LinkedIn status, if there's any change in the status to indicate that they are leaving
3. Profile Deletion - Ask the candidate to delete their profile from the Job Portals to check the seriousness and keenness to join the new organization and wierd response or excuses, it's a red flag
4. Communication - Keep the communication open with the candidate on weekly basis to ensure they are responding and keen to join the organization otherwise it is also a red flag
5. BGV Process - Initiate the BGV process which is again depends on organization to orgnaization and if the candidate is showing interest to provide the neccessary details for the process to start however any excuses can also be a cause to worry
6. Blacklist - Last but not Least, Always maintain a database of such candidates, who has committed and didn't join as they can be highlighted in your database with remarks and comments to avoid them for future opportunities based on the past experience
THE CONCLUSION Good Candidates always keep their commitment however there are other candidates, always fishing out for more offers which can be a cause of trouble for business, projects etc. No matter what precautions are taken, there are always chances of glitches however taking certain precautions can help in identifying the candidate's behaviour to avoid such mistakes time and again.
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