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Is Social Media Platform or Job Portals worth the effort & Money?

Global & Local Organizations leveraging various options. sources & resources for their Hiring, however recently with Organizations trying tO use Social Media platforms for Hiring Needs so the question that arises is? Are the job Seekers seriously looking at Job Portals or Socal Media Platform for Opportunities?
Let's explore some of the merits & de-merits for Global Organizations using Social Media platform or Job Portals for local hiring without Local HR / Hiring partner is worth the time, effort & money.
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By Leveraging either Social Media Platforms & Job Portals or both, there is a cost, besides tens & hundreds of candidates applications received. The effort required for posting job on several platforms and job portals besides reviewing all the applications, shortlisting the applicants, pre-screening the candidates, follow-up with the candidates depending on different time zone for interviews and ensuring they are able to join the interviews on time etc. are series of challenges without a local HR / Hiring partner in place. The challenge to collaborate with a Hiring Partner without a Local HR team is the Cost Factor. Also many social profiles tend to be fake or contains incorrect details so solely believing or trusting candidates from Social Media is also a risk unlike Job Portals where most of the Jobseekers provide correct information since it is a source for better opportunities
1. The Cost Factor - If you want to reach more Jobseekers on Social Media besides your current network, There is a cost factor based on the reach where in on Job Portals, there is no such limit
2. Jobseeker Reach - . Also there is no guarantee, that it will reach the Right Job seekers where in on Job Portals, Interested or Serious Job Seekers always search for Jobs based on Technology or Search Keywords to find Jobs matching their Skills besides the job alerts
3. Fake Profiles - Based on the past trend in recent times, there are so many fake profiles on Social Media which are regularly in the cleaning process by the Social Media Companies
4. The Effort - Job Portals have pre-defined way of providing data where as for Social Media Profiles, A Recruiter might have to go through the entire profile to sum up or follow up with the candidate for their profile or leverage an AI related tool to capture data
5. JobSeeker Interest - Serious Jobskeeers are always on Job Portals for finding better opportunites vis-a-vis Social Media except for LinkedIn
THE CONCLUSION Local Hiring by Global Companies leveraging Social Media Platforms Or Job Platforms has its own advantages & dis-advantages however leveraging a Local Hiring Partner incase of NO local team will benefit by delegating the responsibility and focus on getting the Right Talent to grow the team!
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